


The ability to control and manage our focus from a wide angle view that takes in the entire picture to a single one pointed awareness, and to move between those effortlessly.


The ability to stay centred under any circumstances. To be able to discern when to take action and how, and when to stay still and use other resources.


Mantra. Mindfulness. Loving Kindness. Riding the Breath.

There are many many techniques available to practice the two basic elements, concentration and equanimity, that may lead to the state of meditation, the expanded awareness, that arises when the body and mind are able to be fully present.

A meditative state leads to greater choice and allows for more ease and peace in how we live our lives. The various techniques and methods useful to anyone depend upon the skillsets of the person or group being coached and are found through a process of discovery with a teacher. We will explore together how to find useful techniques, which may change over time, for the student of meditation.

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Come to know yourself as love.

Book a free consultation to determine if working with a meditation coach is your next step on the Nourishing well journey ….