for the fear and loathing in your vagus…
to be a deal'a and a heal'a ‘the leela’ ...
& bag the swag... you've got to sit in the chit
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself..." Franklin Roosevelt
🐍oo....that's the sound bite😉...but here is the whole quote:
"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
Aum dear Lovely Ones,
Las Vegas went dark the other night...end or new beginnings? And how's your vagus...has it lost its it an ark? In these troubled times, will it let you adventure in the find union and communion and source?
A few weeks ago when last we spoke....I was all 'here comes the sun' all la la J.C. … Jacob Collier ...…and all we've gotten is 'the corona'?...Are all the who’s in who-ville singing along? Did I get the song write-r🙈😍 wrong…initially😉 For Horton to hear us on our grand speck of dust...and send in our sun we all have to sing... to ring... to be ones!
virus /ˈvʌɪrəs/ n. from the latin 1) venom of the snake.or 2) vir =man, us= who are we? oo oo do you really wanna know 🎶🎶
Please go back and read your e-Man-u-’all’’s time for man and woooo-man, for all, to know truth ... is it by Dr. Who? I think not 😍…it’s most certainly Dr. 🐍oo’s us 🙉
Horton's our Norton when viruses spread...Ganesha he's him …it’s better than dead😉...he's da zinc in your sink...guarding your gate, protect-in ya’ thresh-hold...on tight…. he makes it all possible....unlockin’ the door to ya sacred core... just a gentle re-mind’her... he's the 🌏 element ...always been more a head 🐘😉 ... so if you’re a messin’…. know that he’s A blessin' us all… the h'om'mies …we all be a livin’ in…
terre-sting times.... Is Mama earth getting all ‘prick’-ily, …..cuz we be the reason she’s been getting all sickly. It's a Chinese ‘live in interesting times’, and apparently also to eat bats...the spirit animal that is a harbinger of death, rebirth and serious structural change… warning warning danger will robin-son...dark humour a-foot...(did you know the American robin is a huge repository for another scourge on earth....lyme disease) It's all part of our shadow, the part of us we don't wish to acknowledge or to live amongst..and in balance...with something that can make us, and grow us , and slow us to know us ...Mother Nature...and the simple answer, which is rarely easy, is to acknowledge and claim our own power as ....Mother Nature...and what we choose to in-jest 😉 🤡 physically, intellectually, and emotionally has sway...cuz that's Mother Nature way, 🙄 and instead perhaps we have swayed, slayed and strayed too far away from our ...yup, wait for it 🥁 ...Mother Nature....and instead have we become lost in .....
did you need to fill in the blank ....
Go watch Ad Astra...Brad Pitt is ❤️ .....oy ...I'm going down in 🔥
It turns out we rush to fill in blank space. The opposite of interesting is boring and our culture loathes boring because we haven't unearthed the jewel in the lotus boring😂...we judge boring like we judge empty space, rather than actually boring into it 🙈, and allowing the earth to fill us…like a vessel… or not... as s/he chooses. Mother Nature abhors a vacuum. So stop hoovering...empty out ….no need to flit about ….grasping everything …. net-fixing and ingesting the quarantine away; instead rest, chill it …allow boring to fill it, become no-body attached to no-thing ….’be the boring’….dig in …. stick with me please I'm going places here … To go on...solve the last koan.
I will spare you the lectures on the consequences of eating animals, the insane inequity between the rich and the poor, (85 of the richest people, the so called bozos on the bus, in the world have wealth equal to half of humanity, 3.5 billion others) and the need to live in alignment with your principles if you are an eco-warrior by practicing what you preach...if you want that, go read Russell Brand he does a much better job with that 'brand' of humour and wisdom.
And just as well for you dear ones, it would be preaching to my choir, what I seem to want more than preaching to any one, let alone a choir, is to sing with you, so instead of political pandering…we could all get panda-ing, Kung Fu style! (more on that later...)
Alas, climate change is really upon us. Black is the new white. There is no difference 'cept it's darker, and apparently you want it darker... and yes, guess what? Darker is a tad more practical. Yet, darkness can be scary, and also quite slimming 😳. Only when darkness comes, will you know yourself to be light. Then darkness is just where your awareness is not, and as light, with trust and experience, your path and everything else will be lit, and will fit not by any magic in the path, but by the magic in you….when you…. re-sun-ate with the _____ the object and name of the game become the same😉…. 'embody the light..put some yang in your yin and yin in your yang …they sang let the sunshine in….to the darkness within ….be the magic…and turn your world inside out😉.
"If I am the dealer you are out of the game, if I am your healer, then you are broken and lame, if mine is the glory then yours is the shame"...these lines from a light saber-toothed…. Leo, I'm slayed...knives out… done in by a poet, the subtle knife is always the easy rout…. when you resonate… the name’s the same…. we roar with the flame....ah ha.... Leonard drones on about Shakti, and it's really her in dees guyz …in his Ma-roar and most definitely the eyes….
Jai Ma. Hey guys….all these years…turns out I’m a Bhakti ….and speaking of Shakti, I was listening to a podcast on BAT 😉gap, where else?….Twas an interview with Clare DuBois, the founder of treesisters...and our very own modern day Lorax. She more than just speaks for the she the trees?....she likens us, metaphorically, and y'all know how I love a great meta-4, cuz it's kinda like L4yer Cake...she likens humanity that a boat on a river (no more tangerine trees and marshmallow skies? has the white horse sailed?) what we have now are class 5 rapids...and the only way through these rapids we face: corona, climate change, teenagers doing 'distance learning' in ya’ house...ouch? to pick a line through the rapids and row like hell 🔥? Do THE work. Practice. Get lit. Do not get distracted or mesmerised by obstacles or shiny bits that come up in the river, keep you hands inside the boat, all senses focussed on staying afloat, do not turn away....keep your eyes ablaze ...everyone must be sleeping peepers in the boat.
It was a useful jump… warp speed ahead...she is so lit, full of inspiration, dropping her bits… crumbs of light, that spark the path and god bless all of us trying to find our way home, That is what we are all here to do for each other: we are meant to spark, not eclipse, be eclipsed or ‘wor’ship like you’ve sunk my battle ship…. but tune each other. Resonate yet?….Aye, corona…
I went dark...was I napping? ...Is napping ok?...Maybe we all need a little napping here and there?....Or maybe the nappies have to go... to spiritually grow up? Will you get the joke...or do you have to be woke? Or, was 'I' actively preparing, like a lion in my last lie in ...lying in wait-or like an act-or for the universe to give me my _____
Did you fill it with lines or space….can you be space, be-tweens… the lie ins? Our true nature is to get woke and stay woke, and yes, you can go back to sleep again, that’s a yogic joke…cuz being woke, it happens when we aren't ready, What who is… to give birth..via a be section….no labour needed… to a new way of living...if we haven't really shown up, cleaned up or grown up ...the work is the medicine. Everything happens in divine timing. I might have gone back to sleep for about a decade or so before I got nudged..., hurled out of bed again. ‘ 🐍oo....keep her’ in mind during this time we’re confined, and you might just refine who’s who’s who in this rhyme 🐒 🐘 🐻 ...Is this forced isolation... a time to slow down?... ...or chant? …. om…na…ma, are we the vi ‘R us? Aye Mamacita…inspire us….Jai Ma.
When did we as a global community last come together at the same time...when was the last time in the digital era any of us watched the same game….was it thrones? Do you know how that one ends? I drag-on😉….
…..and s/he said 'you are 'naughty' humans...teenagers, go to your rooms are grounded! a few weeks at home, no work, no play...and don't come out until you are ready... no apologies... to make 'A-mens' plant more trees... for all those Thneeds...cuz that's what's around the bend and that’s how you, I, we, s/he….will mend. A-men.
If you had asked me two weeks ago, what were the odds of getting 7 Billion people into a hOMe yoga show, slowed down, spending time at home, sitting and genu-reflecting about life, liberty and the pursuit of ...
Family walks, a lovely form of contemplation and meditation... I would have said 'never gonna happen' or at best it would take too long…. how do you boil a pot of water the size of humanity to get everyone to shift..some from icy solid… some from all light and airy....and full of empty ... the essence of waking up, to a different shape and vibration of consciousness? Seems like we gotta few more days or weeks to wait before we break the net with our zooming and flixing…. all so addicting…and looming …the energy would be atomic … what if ‘the way’ is sonic?
For a while now, I have been studying the paths of non renunciate yogis...householders yogis, people like me with families, who want to do 'it', walk the path, with a bit more ease...whos who need a be-’spoke’ sort of woke. People who have come into this incarnation not to transcend it, but to bend it….I reckon, so 🔥 🙊 who don't have three years of their life to spend in silent monastic renunciation in a cave in the Himalayas avoiding the trappings of western life, to get the keys to the castle, the fruit of the lute, the woke consciousness ...who wants to live the life of a prince 🐍🐍 up on a throne in a castle, out of touch from the concerns of people? Perhaps, the only true crown we should have is made of thorns...wouldn't it be better to live free, extra-terrestrially, on the forest floor bewitched by the s/he who’s knows are 🐍twitched? When you fixate on the line….jai ma…. amazing grace comes through the rapids… egos routed… my gentled men….and there is nothing else…
B-sides....What happens in the heart. More roar. (she says with a smile ...for all those who keep-ahs in the house) 🐘 🏡 🙈
And d’ spite…. intense gaze…. things go r-👁 still might get tossed out of the boat… into a class 5 rapid, you’ll get sucked down into the raging river. Your initial instincts might be to fight it, to try to come up for air, knowledge and wisdom…under-standing…to right it….but any one who's survived falling into the river of a class 5 raging rapid knows you survive by going all J.C. 😉 yourself …allowing yourself, even pushing yourself, to go deeper into it, to get sucked down to your floor, and into the 🐍whirl, it will spit you out the other side after what feels like the most marvellous, I’m wonder woman, you’re super-man joyous oh my boy toy we are all us ride. How Dr. Strange? To push into and surrender to immense sensation, to terror and to just be with it ….to feel it…. is trial by fire, it's wish-craft. It’s the Sad Mad B… rad Pitt..of joy, Feel the fear, the pain, the agony, will train…the terror, the toe the line....wear a crown of thorns… and you might just fall into some chit and come up smelling like roses.... trust is like that, it's not just poses, or a head game, it takes guts to open your heart... to tend and be-friend the fire… is the art.
Guts, agni, fire, is the essence of a healthy immune system. So let me 'spell this out' for you. If you are in a 'state of fear' terror (n. etymology...old french ...from the earth) your body will channel resources to get you to run away from... the lion or tiger or bear aummmmm-I is gonna eat you. It shuts down your digestive system….puts out your fire…in the face of a virus, to give into that reptilian 🐍urge to run, may be an incredible dis-play of resources and not much fun… a counter productive flight from fright…for viruses sneak in like guru-la warfare ...sight unseen😉). You can’t run and you can’t hide….better to visualise your lines ...Jai Ma ….not the well attired and uniformed... red coats... easily spotted by the highly camouflaged natives in the Am’her-I can R-evol-u- tion ...who tailored swiftly won the war 4 independence? Are we free to be you and me? Are we ready to see the whole world dance? Jai Ma. Om Na Ma ….S/he-da joy—way-YA.
Trust your vagus...Get some mobilise against a virus, particularly one we don't know, we must re-channel our I-r-us …hold the 🐍urge of terror, keep it from release,’s a tantric practice, to learn to eat chi….to hold it, invest it, not spend it….get rich…… to allow kundalini to rise...lay low, get quiet, still, use the 'pain' and sensation to generate chi, it is the chi, see? ya feel me? stoke the fire, the prana, the shakti; come into the fullest expression of Self love you won’t get ill. Sometimes you gotta pay your 'back' bills to really get chill and fired up ....Yoga nidra, meditation, for god's sakes ....stop running and take a nap! Sleep to leap! Aum the paradox...have I got your head more 'kid'-ing...
Instead of pandering let’s do some Kung Fu panda-ing to get rid of the zeno-phobia, in our earth house divided, the whos who are calling this the Kung flu…. we need a change…it’s a constant of life…. let’s campaign to end-ow-moments……This being human, all hue’s of the spectrum, is hard but well done … It's child's play. We are so used to rampaging and tormenting our Mother Earth in this game called life...we run away from what is try to make it more comfortable, enjoyable and interesting…consuming so many incredible planetary resources in the process, are we truly happier? Is it time to grow up? Put on our grand Jai MA panties? Have we, in this chase to escape😳 forgotten the basic skills necessary to stay and be a human being rather than a human dong be with our feelings...fear, sadness, worry, anger and yes, terror and love, aum I….cuz we are out of time shiny happy people love...people…it’s the most high voltage energy there is...maybe you gotta learn how to fold it… to hold it ....rather than transcend it...a practice is essential to tend and befriend … ....we must learn to push into our feelings, we are a commune-union ….and they exist to help not to hurt us.
What if feeling the fear, the terror (which literally means 'of Earth') is actually the vaccine? No one wants to contract the corona…yet we want it over and done, paradox abounds. The real virus at play is fear of the fear, when we are fear, our energetic field contracts….can we learn to love the fear, who keepas? to keep our own coronas on max? Can we walk on the sunny funny side of this retreat ?
Feel the fear, just don’t let it take you away…who are you? I really wanna know….trying to push fear away, to keep it out, is like trying to stop thoughts…it will happen when it happens…quicker when you calm …otherwise it blocks a conversation in a healthy emotional i’mm-une, (all working as one) system. And anyone who has been high on ecstasy: yogically, athletically or otherwise knows you can get great pleasure and accomplish great feats and still hurt your 'feets' when the feeling, fear or other-wise is not present, not sensed. Kobe and Michael both played on and on with broken ankles and feet... as do many extreme athletes..….not feeling our bodies is not good at all for the long term health of the feats and the feets. It gives new 'mean'ing to the agony and the ecstasy, the bliss, of da feet!
Instead listen in, put on your noise cancelling trust buds, a healthy emotional system has trust-ease… who over-see the fear who has her inner ear and ‘knows’ ….on the ground ….hand in hand the work they do together is’s a be-spoke woke…all eyes ablaze in the boat… fear will dish her secrets and you can jump out of the frying pan onto land … she is our genie in the bottle ….always with a message, she’s our in-gen-uity…a listening acuity….she drives you to succeed; lord knows ….she’s not greed😳...and if you give her your do , she will get out of your hair, and will ‘dew’ you a solid… its’ a mountain dew…. her country cool… “a state of mind…a refreshing attitude…something simple and true…she will give you the sunshine and nothing to do…she will give you a river, good friends and the like…. keeping it calm”….she will ground you and give you energy to boot… whatever is a foot. And plenty of trust ease to walk that yappy bitch, anxiety, to a park to retreat.....anxiety is a future tense of a fear who has yet to be heard-ed. Listen now and you won’t have to go there …put your back to the future...Fear is a DOG walker...she's excitement in dees-guyz, she’s our yang yang …Heart sang ta da… s/he’s the magic man Mama …a much ado do do about nothing kind A-guy...Amen how we always get her backwards ...GoD. NeMa….
Did you feel it? And if we refuse to let fear chime in or if her BFFs, Trust-ease and love have been taken away by the Khalesi’s dragons ...fear will throw a fit. And wreak havoc with the rest of our abilities to respond to anything because fear is a root chord in the music of life...she is a survival voice, and we need her to make our own kind of music. Fear can mean, forget everything and run or face everything and rise…mean or kind… the fit is up to you. Just know that when the other voices inside you realise you aren't listening to her, they go a little loci.... and guess 'who' gets elected president?. A who’s who?
Sure ain't Roosevelt...see the Roses nose fear is protective, it’s a smell….it’s wisdom fear...the fear that happens to hang with her and love a few times a week...drinkin' coffee and eatin' cake...the good 'kind' stuff….with glu-ten... shootin' the 'chit' chat. The fear you hear that nudges you away from un-certain dark alleys, people, and the edges of crumbling cliffs when you're in a swoon, and also gluten sometimes 😔and then there is neurotic fear...she'd be righteous fear's evil twin sister... the fear who's no trust fund baby...her name is terror...of the terre ...of the earth...she sometimes comes in trilogies ...the one you can’t name, reason with or justify….Franklin is clear in his quota to keep the boat afloat ….cuz his paralysis gives us better analysis… to advance the cause…ya gotta get rid of the clause… no claws… no grasping …and there will be no more issues with... duh.... feet.
The old yogi’s knew that peace rests on a bed of nails….what if experiencing feeling in this life is actually the thing we came here for....and feeling life makes us stronger, not weaker....that the only true crown is a crown of thorns....what if 'suffering' has nothing to do with what we feel, but what we feel about what we feel? Lion’s Roar….
Can we imagine an existence outside of embodiment where everything is rainbows and roses, sort of paralysis where we don't feel a thing...we would get so f'in bored out of our very non feeling heavenly mind, we might give up our wings and fall to Earth and create a world where the intensity of experience would be da bomb...the more the better...a grand cosmic spiritual game…this leela, the play, as its called in yoga... where we are the gamers…avatars here to experience the thing this earthly plane seems to be quite good at ....actually it's not good nor great, it’s simply sensational😍...and because we forgot we are ET, extra terrestrials, in a game of thorns we don't understand how to play it, to be Mr Rogers…RIP Kenny, he knew when to fold em, when to hold em, when to walk away and when to run….and a yoga teacher that other one…a who who always wanted to know won’t you be my neigh-’bore’ …..feelings be the game… duh, while we clamour for a way out of the matrix …red pill blue pill. ...our cosmic S/he, miss- spell checker, gave us the games of thrones…and thorns …here's the kicker, the way out of the game and to win the game is all in ONE ... surrender into the game. No sleepers in the boat. Everyone's gotta get woke! Feeling the terror is both the symptom of disconnection and the path of reconnection. It is the symptom and the anti-dote. No fear of fear, no doting, just boating ... feel. We are meant to feel and then what to do next will be….duh … obvi-us... Back to the future Part 2. Through your hands up hard and push down into the chaos...surrender to the river of life and mother earth….Jai Ma….see where it takes might even get your wings back... drag-ons -fly…
Feelings be the teacher, the guru-la warrior…the light within...we must each become our own sun, our own hot mess-I-ahhhhh . Let’ it out….Don't get all cosy with the prison guards with ..thoughts about how this life works....or stuck in the programming….instead be da 💣 🙈… let the mess blow you apart..particularly your heart … bet on the flood against the ark...cuz when you open the ark…you’ll find the word of ….xxxx… layer upon la4er
cake… and you can to eat it all too….I’ll cut off my head…or be blue….goddess or shiva …it’s up to you….if we've sat in the chit long enough we might acquire a taste for sat-chit-ananda...a very old moniker …a layer cake for G-D yeah; sat=truth, chit=consciousness, and anada=bliss ....loads of god-sassss in ta da! But you gotta be empty, I mean ....really ‘full’ of …….
So practice your assssana, find a stable seat and breathe, learn your breath like you'd learn the lines of a fine whine... take time to dine in meditation, see if you can find a seat for every voice at your table. Let everyone be part of the heard. Get every who in who-ville to get singing...and ringing … be… love ….what you do….so do whatever does that for you. ET-Man-u-all… one ☝️ Do that. Be that. A-men.
Get your chit together...break you heart wide open or even better …. have someone else do it ….for you! Whether you are a man or a's time to put our women in yes, I'm going down hard...fighting for something final... Be the love you wish to see in the world. It’s the bespoke ‘kind’ a woke…. a line through chaos and in-just-us. We all have a unique voice and purpose we are called to do in this lifetime. Let love lead your way. You must adventure into the darkness to follow your light ...cuz there’s only one direction….one way or another 😉
ok cupid, it’s time to bounce…..evol…u.. is adaptation….G-D s/he always gets me puzzled… you too? if the arrow of evolve u is a’coming, stand in it's way.... get unstruck a’umm-ing…
or humming… or be the sing…shot…heard around the world… intimate with your imp-ulse, in a game of thorns…allow it to dwarf you…the perspective from be-low ….rage, shake it out or sob… lose yourself on the chariot or the ‘living room’ floor, Are ju-na-ff to pull the bow back… hard…load up your air...and row...madly… cuz sadly, if you wanna catch some air you've got to get to know the grave part of gravity... spread the dying spark… you might just have to…die to who you think you r….to really live…. to be or not ….the change you wish the world to be… to be the deala and the heala, we gotta feel’s how to bag the swag…. the nothing inside…its’ a peace of kundalini layer cake…let it rise….come and see… or is your third eye blind?
We are calling this global retreat, the Great Empty, if you’ve seen the pic, it’s eery…see. So I speak for the trees….can you please please….get a clue …..I’m you and you’re me and together we all need to breathe…. and for this we really need our trees… Jai MA…
Global toilet paper production alone consumes 27,000 trees daily. Zoo-ming in on 10 million per annum? Year after year. How can we convert this global retreat, the great empty… to advance all our humanity?
Mama 🌍 says…. please use be-days to stop h’oar’ding the TP….and zoom’s got room for every’one’ ☝️to sit in the chit…on our ‘come ode ‘ to joy…. she says my ETs …don’t phone it in ‘reign it’ in…. come h’om’e….. there’s no ma’ roar…just more pow wow now… Jai Ma….cuz ya….mama 🌎 s/he …will always be your under D-G… and U …r her….go get em tigerrrrrrrr……the oar…I’s ablazing, s/he’s A-mazing, a real transAm….and now….❤️it’s time….to be mine….to become A-sure I’m certain….row row row your boat…
Go on..…. solve that last koan…..
I’ll hope you’ll be hitting my links….we are all wholes in one….I’ll be re-zooming classes next week…let me know if you are interested in the experiment! and also adding in a book club on what else …..untamed….it's a manual for living out of the zoo…mmmmm…..and do stay tuned …I’m sprouting some seeds…offering opportunities to chant bija mantra with me…. for those in the know…mantra is the line …that focuses you on the name of the game 🙈🙉🙊🐒…. so come and let me wooo u on with some of my sweet mountain dew….all it takes is a couple of bars….to be… free …..Jai MA!
if you wish to participate please contact me, and i’ll gladly add you to the who’s who…. of our what’s app nourishing well chit chat…. got that?
hope to see you on the mat
truth is one, paths are many
let peace vibe the tribe
with paradox love light and laughter
and as always....
oodles and oodles of big squishy warm e-hugs
Shelly Annapurna
Founder and Director, and Head ET,
Nourishing Well
Yoga Meditation Wellness & CranioSacral Therapy
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May be-ings every where be filled with peace and joy light and love….
move-ease yoga ....and other re-sourcing for those who weren't paying attention:
My aim was to give you a sensational play list…who loves ya?…who are you? I hope you find out…
Please know that in this time of disconnection we can re-connect with technology …check out the Next Door app for a line on what’s happening in your post code.
L4yer Cake
Becoming nobody
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Horton hears a Who
Knives Out
Ad astra
Inside Out
Star wars...
Kung Fu Panda 3
Back to the Future